
The 9th PKU Graduates Student Forum of Ageing and Health (第九届北京大学老龄健康博士生论坛) will be hosted by the Graduate School of Peking University, and co-organized by the Institute of Population Research at Peking University and the Institute fof Ageing Studies at Peking University. The forum is expected to be held at Peking University in early July 2024 and will be conducted in a hybrid format, combining both online and offline elements. This forum is supported by the “Peking University Graduate Education Innovation Program”of PKU Graduate School and the “PKU-UCL Strategic Partnership Fund – Ageing and Wellbeing Research Project”.

Population issues are always global, strategic, and fundamental. To contribute to the national strategy of actively addressing population aging, this forum focuses on research topics related to the development of aging health in the era of longevity. It aims to build a platform for communication, open to all perspectives and methodologies, to gather ideas, spark intellectual exchanges, and stimulate innovation. Young scholars are invited to “meet through academic papers” and engage in dialogues.


The theme of this edition of the forum is “Development of Ageing Health and Construction of the Social Security System in the Era of Longevity” (Development of ageing health and construction of social security system under the background of longevity era).


  • Accessibility to healthcare for the Elderly
  • Community-based Health Intervention for the Elderly
  • Elderly Disability
  • Ageing-Friendly Environment
  • Equity in Geriatric Care
  • Network and Healthy Aging
  • Costs and Effectiveness on Healthcare
  • Social Service for the Elderly
  • Social Policy for the Elderly
  • Health Technology for the Elderly
  • Geron-technology
  • Social Integration of the Elderly
  • Ageing Industries
  • Time Banking
  • Benefits of Volunteerism for Older Adults
  • Precaution of Health Risks in Ageing
  • Governance of Ageing Society and Institutional Guarantee
  • Comparative Study of Elderly Welfare across Nations
  • Developing of International Ageing Research Datasets
  • Healing Arts for Older Adults
  • Others (related to the forum’s theme)

Sub-forum themes:

Sub-forum 1: Ageing Health and Sustainable Development

Sub-forum 2: Ageing Health and Information Technology

Sub-forum 3: Ageing Health and Health Resilience

Sub-forum 4: Ageing Health for Modernisation

  1. Eligibility: This CFP is open to PhD and Master’s students from global universities.
  2. Paper Submission:
    (i) Full papers (either in Chinese or English) that have not been published previously are to be submitted, formatted according to standard demographic academic journals. Papers submitted in Chinese must also provide a high-quality English abstract (including title, abstract, author information, etc.). The spelling of the authors’ names must follow APA citation format as “FirstName FamilyName,”.
    (ii) Poster submissions are also permitted; however, complete English and Chinese abstracts and full papers must be sent to the designated email address in advance. Following acceptance by the forum’s organising committee, authors are responsible for designing their posters (templates will be provided by the event organisers and should adhere to standard academic conference poster formats, i.e., size A0, featuring the basic information of the paper and the presenter) and submitting them to the committee for unified display during the conference. Posters will not have a dedicated presentation session but will be available for discussion during breaks and rest periods.
  3. Word Count: The main text should be no less than 8,000 characters in Chinese or 5,000 words in English. Please note:

    (i) When submitting, authors must also sign the Copyright Form (which can be downloaded using the link:, code: acy2), agreeing to allow the forum’s organising committee to use the abstract portion of the paper for display and compilation.
    (ii) When submitting, authors must declare any Disclosure of Interest in the text and submit the ICMJ Conflict of Interest Form as an attachment to the email (available at the aforementioned Baidu Clouddisk link).
    (iii) Manuscripts involving human participants, identifiable human data, or human tissue must also include declarations of ethical approval and informed consent (even if an exemption has been granted), and should state the name of the approving ethics committee and the committee’s reference number (if applicable). Research involving animals must also include a statement about ethical approval. Particularly for studies involving clinical trials, the manuscript abstract should include the Clinical Trial Registration Number (TRN) and the date of registration. Incomplete submissions will not be considered. The organising committee of this forum does not provide any templates for ethical review approval documents that might affect human participation. For studies involving such research, the ethical review approval at the time of project initiation (before the study begins) from the researcher’s home institution or workplace shall prevail.

    Manuscripts that do not involve “human participation with identifiable personal information (including clear identity information and biomarkers)” or those using public datasets do not need to provide this documentation. However, for public datasets, the data source must be disclosed according to the requirements of the data provider.
  4. Key Information: The first page of the article should include the author’s name, university affiliation, detailed mailing address, telephone number, email address, paper title, an abstract not exceeding 600 words in Chinese, author, 3-5 keywords. Each article must be submitted with an English title, English author information, English abstract, and English keywords(Regardless of whether the manuscript is written in Chinese or English). Abstracts and posters should focus on the research background, objectives, methods, main results, conclusions, and recommendations. Please refer to writing effective and concise abstracts.
  5. Abstracts Collection Book Publication: The selected papers and posters for this forum will be published in the form of an English Conference Abstract Book, which will be assigned ISBN and DOI numbers and indexed by Google Scholar. (Abstracts are not considered as formal publication or pre-publication, so authors may subsequently publish the full text in any other academic journal, but it is advisable to state that the abstract was included in this conference abstract collection. High-quality papers that did not participate in the presentation may also be invited for inclusion in the abstract collection. No more than 50 abstracts will be included in the forum’s abstract collection.)
  6. Important Dates: The deadline for the first round of submissions (abstract submission) is 24:00 on 30 May 2024, where submitters may send just the paper’s first page and abstract, or the full paper. The deadline for the second round of submissions (full paper submission) is 24:00 on 20 June 2024; those who submitted only an abstract in the first round must submit the full paper in this round. Those who did not submit an abstract by the first round’s deadline may also participate in this full paper submission. Please note: For both rounds, final papers received will be considered, so authors should send their finalised papers only.
  7. Submission Method: Please name your submission email as “PhD Forum+Theme Number+Affiliated Institution+Author Name”, and clearly state the author’s contact details within the body of the email. The forum’s submission email is:

Conference Hold Date: Early July 2024 (tentative, subject to official notice)

Note: There is no registration fees or publication fees for this forum. Travel and accommodation expenses will be borne by the selected students themselves.


本次论坛组委会不提供任何关于可能影响人类参与的伦理审查批准文档模板,若涉及此类研究,以投稿人所在高校或工作单位,对研究立项时(开始前)的伦理审查批复为准。 对于没有涉及“人类参与并且可识别具体人类身份(带有明显的身份信息和生物标志物)”的手稿,或者使用大型公开数据的手稿,均无需提供此项材料。但公开数据需按照数据方要求进行披露数据来源。

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