1. Introduction of the UCL-CLS Population Research Data Resource (brief introduction)

    https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1X1421B7LW/ (中文版参考此处, 非官方中文字幕,已初步审校,unofficial translation)
  2. Introduction of the UCL-CLS Population Research Data Resource (NCDS 1958)
    https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1L7421f7iS/?share_source=copy_web (中文版参考此处, 非官方中文字幕,已初步审校,unofficial translation)
  3.  Introduction of the UCL-CLS Population Research Data Resource (BCS 1970)
    https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1FBpjeaEQP/?share_source=copy_web (中文版参考此处, 非官方中文字幕,已初步审校,unofficial translation)
  4.  Introduction of the UCL-CLS Population Research Data Resource (Next Step 1989/1990)https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rqpjewELZ/?share_source=copy_web (中文版参考此处, 非官方中文字幕,已初步审校,unofficial translation)

    original link from CLS’s website: https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/data-access-training/training-and-support-2/
Please see the offcial link https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/data-access-training/training-and-support-2/

1 Comment

  1. Here, we offer a range of publicly available training resources led by our partners, which may be in English, Chinese, or bilingual. The construction of our entire network platform is part of the strategic cooperation fund outcomes between University College London and Peking University,hence, these training resources mainly draw from publicly available content related to this theme from both sides. We also welcome interested scholars from various fields to join us in supporting the development of this platform.

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